Kuala Lumpur International AV Show 2022 - Launching of JW Speaker Lab

Kuala Lumpur International AV Show 2022 - Launching of JW Speaker Lab


It was a great success! This is the first time we take part in public audio show and we think we did great! Starting from planning, seek for collaborator, to announcement in social media platforms, to setup and demo our products to our lovely customers. We would like to thank our collaborator, Begins Acoustics for supporting, trusting and providing us big helps during the show! Without them, our room wouldn't be so beautiful and acoustically controlled. Overall we enjoyed exhibition session. Although it was very tiring, but for the sales and exposure we get, we think it is totally worth it!

The Public / Guests 

We are very surprised by the in-depth technical knowledge that many of you acquired! Knowing that I am the designer of our speakers, many came to talk to me about the technical design of cabinet, crossover and even TS parameters of the drivers! I believe this has to do with the widely available information on the net. Public nowadays not only judging speakers by its demoed sound, they also emphasized on the technical specification and they understand how a setup can sound totally different in different environment.

Besides that, we are glad to see many of you can see the value in our product and appreciated it. Many has the appropriate comment on the tonality and imaging of our setup. Some even came in and straight away recognized the Jantzen caps on our crossovers. Many were surprised when they heard the selling price of our products, given that we provided such quality components and drivers. The feedbacks we got was 95% positive and we were very surprised! Knowing that we will be displaying one of the cheapest speakers in the show, we were quite unconfident before the show to be honest! But after the feedbacks we got on the first day of show, our confidence level got boosted! Hereby we thank again for those who liked and commended our products, both verbally and in social media platforms!

We heard you!

Floor stander variant

The first request that we received the most is regarding floor stander variant. But it is currently not available yet due to time constraint and the ability of producing it in our small local factory. But its okay! We heard you and we will expedite the floor stander design! Also we are looking for move our factory to a bigger space and to have bigger machineries! We are looking to launch the floor stander variant somewhere around the 3rd quarter of 2023. So stay tuned!

Speaker sensitivity 

Some commented on the low sensitivity of our speakers. But unfortunately, it will remain the same as it is for our current available products. Our design goal is to have good amount of bass in a small foot print, so there is no choice, but to sacrifice the sensitivity. But luckily enough, nowadays amplifiers are packed with big power. For example, the Bluesound Powernode 2 which we showcased in the show puts our 80W per channel. It paired extremely well with our JWA-150 5.25 inch bookshelf speakers with only sensitivity of only 85db/1w, and it never shows any sign of power insufficiency! The power it delivered out of such small box is pretty impressive! 


We think it is a great start for JW Speaker Lab! We received a lot of love from our local and some neighbor country friends! Although we hope to expand our business to oversea ASAP, but we will definitely give our best discount and value to our local and neighbor country customers before the cost increase by exporting to oversea! Thanks again to all visitors in KLIAV show and especially those who bought from us! We will expedite our production and ensure the quality of our production!

Have a nice day!

Written by
Joseph Wong
Founder of JW Speaker Lab

Date: 10th November 2022

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